
Regina madre

Manlio Santanelli
Peeter Tammearu

Regina is a spirited Italian woman who has lived on her own for many years after her husband died and her children had grown up. Out of the blue, her son Alfredo shows up at her doorstep with a suitcase claiming that his mother needs 24-hour caretaking according to her doctor. Regina, whose character is already visible through her name which means queen in Italian, does not allow herself to be fooled this easily. Soon it becomes apparent that there were in fact other reasons for Alfredo’s arrival. The meet-up develops into a sort-of duel, where memories as well as judgments and made-up stories get used as weapons.

Kersti Kreismann has worked as an actress in Estonian Drama theatre for fifty years and her son Andres Raag has been an actor in Tallinn City Theatre for thirty years. Up until now they have met on the stage only briefly.


Manlio Santanelli


Peeter Tammearu

Translated by

Margus Alver

Set design by

Martin Mikson


Tobias Tammearu

Lighting design by

Chris Kirsimäe


22. October 2022


Salme Cultural Centre's small stage (Salme 12)


2 hours (with intermission), in two acts

The cast

Kersti Kreismann (Estonian Drama Theatre)